
5 Reasons to bedshare with your baby

We love bedsharing with our babies. At first, I was terrified to do it, but after researching and experiencing it, I’ve realized it’s the most natural and safe thing to do.

Here are my 5 reasons to bedshare with your baby.

Disclaimer- this information reflects my own personal experiences. It’s not meant to be your only source of education, or tell you what decisions to make. Be smart.


1. Sleeping with your baby is an instinctual, natural process.


The most natural thing to do, in my opinion, after giving birth, is to lay in bed and snuggle your baby. The time after birth is so sacred and special, it is unnatural to separate mom and baby.This can naturally extend forward into the next months or years.

In a world where birth is still natural and uninterrupted, The most instinctual thing for a new mother to do is keep her baby close. For warmth, for comfort, for safety.


2. Safety


We’re told it’s not safe. I know. After my first son was born, the pediatrician came in and said “make sure baby has his own place to sleep”. They have to tell us that. But it CAN be safe to sleep with baby. Follow certain basic guidelines but also trust yourself. If you are a breastfeeding mother, you have instincts that will protect your baby from being rolled on. If it DOESN’T feel safe to you. Then Don’t do it. But make sure you are listening to yourself and not fear from someone else.

In fact, there is an idea that sleeping with baby can actually be SAFER than having them in their own bed in their own room. 

Did you know mother’s breathing encourages baby to breathe? did you know mother’s body can warm and cool baby? You are powerful! You can keep baby safer when they are within reach.


3. Minimalistic


There’s a lot of baby crap you can buy. Holy cow. But do we really need it all? Heck no! 

Imagine what you can get away with NOT buying if you bedshare. Practically the entire nursery. haha. but at least no crib and no crib sheets. wahoo!


4. Convenient breastfeeding


after a little practice, I’ve been able to nurse my babies while laying down and sleeping during the nights. I get WAY more sleep this way rather than getting up and grabbing the baby, feeding, and then laying baby back down.

It is SO convenient to nurse right there and drift back to sleep.


5. Emotional attachment


This is huge. Baby needs our emotional care during the day AND during the night. The cuddles are unreal. Oxytocin (the love hormone) just BIND you together. These attachments go WAY beyond the baby years. I’m confident bedsharing improves future relationships with our kids. They know we are there for them. They feel secure and loved.


For me, I’ve come to realize that bedsharing is one of the most natural things in the world.

We are very privileged to have modern equipment for our babies when we NEED it.

But in other cultures around the world and since the beginning of time, baby has been safest in mother’s arms.



*Caretakers should never sleep on an unsafe surface with baby. ie: couches, chairs, waterbeds.

*Caretakers should be healthy, not overweight or using drugs or alcohol while sleeping near a child.



I hope this was encouraging to you. If you want to leave your email down below, you’ll be able to see more blogposts about natural parenting.



Mother to 5 kids and wife to a cute Filipino guy.