
7 Safety Tips for Safe Bed Sharing with Your Baby

I love bedsharing with my babies. It has always felt like a natural adjustment from pregnancy and birth to now raising and comforting my baby. Bed sharing, also known as co-sleeping, is a common practice in many cultures. Parents choose to share their beds with their infants for various reasons, including convenience, bonding, and breastfeeding. However, it’s crucial to ensure the safety of your baby when co-sleeping. Here are seven safety tips for safe bed sharing:

1. Choose the Right Bed:

Opt for a large, firm mattress with a tight-fitting sheet. Ensure that the mattress is free from gaps or openings that your baby could slip into. Soft and saggy surfaces, such as sofas, should be avoided as they increase the risk of suffocation.

2. No excess Pillows or Heavy Blankets:

Keep the sleep environment minimal. Avoid using pillows, heavy blankets, or stuffed animals in the bed. These items can pose a suffocation risk to your baby. Instead, dress your baby in a sleeper or sleep sack to keep them warm.

3. Position Your Baby Safely:

I mostly place baby in the crook of my arm all night, but if you dont, Always place your baby on their back to sleep. This position reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Ensure that your baby’s head is uncovered and that they can breathe freely.

4. Keep a Sober Bed:

Alcohol, drugs, and medications can impair your awareness and responsiveness. It’s essential to stay sober when bed sharing with your baby to ensure you can respond to their needs and protect their safety.

5. Avoid Smoking:

Smoking in or around the bed increases the risk of SIDS. Ensure that your sleep environment is smoke-free, and do not allow anyone to smoke near your baby.

6. Breastfeed Safely:

If you’re breastfeeding while bed sharing, take some precautions. Position yourself in a way that your baby can latch on comfortably, but not in a way that your baby could get trapped between you and the mattress.

7. Stay Close, Not Crowded:

Bed sharing is safest when there are only one or both parents in the bed with the baby. Avoid allowing other children, pets, or additional adults in the bed as they can unintentionally put your baby at risk.

The only time I have NOT bedshared was after my c-section of my 4th baby. I didn’t feel safe or comfortable because I couldn’t position myself safely with my baby in my arm. It’s okay to place baby in a bed next to your bed if that’s what works for you! There are still so many benefits to having baby closeby, even if they are not directly in bed with you.

It’s essential to remember that bed sharing may not be suitable for all families, and individual circumstances vary. If you’re considering bed sharing, ensure it is safe for your family. Additionally, following these safety tips can help reduce the risks associated with bed sharing and create a safer sleeping environment for your baby. Always prioritize your baby’s safety and well-being when making parenting decisions.

Mother to 5 kids and wife to a cute Filipino guy.

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