Breastfeeding - Parenting

A Guide to Natural Newborn Care: Feeding, Diapering, Sleeping, and Holistic Healthcare

Bringing a newborn into the world is a magical experience, but it also comes with a set of responsibilities. Natural newborn care is a holistic approach that focuses on the well-being of your baby, emphasizing their physical and emotional health. In this blog post, we’ll explore essential aspects of natural newborn care, including feeding, diapering, sleeping, and holistic healthcare, to help you create a nurturing environment for your little one.

Feeding Your Newborn Naturally

Feeding is one of the most crucial aspects of newborn care. Here are some natural approaches to consider:

1. Breastfeeding: Breast milk is nature’s perfect food for newborns. It provides essential nutrients, antibodies, and fosters a strong emotional bond between mother and baby.

2. Skin-to-Skin Contact: Holding your baby close and providing skin-to-skin contact promotes breastfeeding success and helps regulate your baby’s temperature and heart rate.

3. Responsive Feeding: Pay attention to your baby’s hunger cues, and feed on demand rather than on a strict schedule.

Diapering the Natural Way

Diapering is a daily task for parents, and a natural approach can be more eco-friendly and comfortable for your baby:

1. Cloth Diapers: Consider using cloth diapers, which are reusable and gentle on your baby’s skin. They are also better for the environment.

2. Natural Wipes: Opt for chemical-free, natural wipes or make your own using soft cloth and a mild solution.

3. Diaper-Free Time: Allow your baby some diaper-free time to let their skin breathe and reduce the risk of diaper rash.

4. Elimination communication: Consider reading and researching about this natural alternative to diapers. Babies are born with instincts that when given cues, can learn to use a potty from the start! 

Check out the book Go Diaper free for more info

Promoting Natural Sleep

Newborns sleep a lot, and ensuring they get quality sleep is essential:

1. Co-Sleeping: Some parents choose to co-sleep with their newborns, which can foster a strong sense of security and bonding. Ensure a safe sleep environment if you opt for this by following my 7 tips for safe bedsharing.

2. Swaddling: Swaddling can help soothe a fussy baby, but be sure to do it safely, allowing room for their hips to move.

3. Sleep Routine: Create a consistent bedtime routine to help your baby differentiate between day and night.

Holistic Healthcare for Newborns

Holistic healthcare focuses on the overall well-being of your baby:

1. Chiropractic Care: Some parents seek chiropractic care for their newborns to address issues like colic or breastfeeding difficulties.

2. Natural Remedies: Consult a healthcare provider for guidance on safe natural remedies for common newborn issues like gas or teething discomfort.

3. Baby Massage: Gentle massages can help your baby relax, improve digestion, and promote sleep.


Natural newborn care encompasses feeding, diapering, sleeping, and holistic healthcare, all of which play a vital role in your baby’s early development. It’s essential to prioritize your baby’s well-being while considering what aligns best with your family’s values and needs. By adopting a natural approach, you can create a nurturing and loving environment that supports your newborn’s health and happiness.


Mother to 5 kids and wife to a cute Filipino guy.