
Back to School Shopping 2020

I really believe learning happens all the time, not just during the school year. In our family, we homeschool but it’s not very structured at all. We mostly focus on our kids interests and do projects. I’ve found that my kids learn everything they need to know, little by little, without ever having to sit and do worksheets.

That being said, we love school supplies and we DO use worksheets when we want to.
Next week, our days will get a bit more structured as the school year starts and we do some minimal reporting for a homeschool program we use.

In this video, come with us as we shop for school supplies that we’ll use these next few months.
We get all the normal supplies like glue, notebooks, and pencils, but we also get to have FUN stuff like robotics kits, LEGOS, and chemistry boxes. We’re excited for this new school year to explore and learn a ton of fun things together.

Mother to 5 kids and wife to a cute Filipino guy.