• Parenting

    HomeSchool Essentials – What you REALLY need.

    Today I’m sharing with you the most important things we use in our homeschooling. If you can’t buy or don’t want to buy all the curriculum and kits and programs for homeschooling, then this video is for you! Keep reading for my 8 homeschool essentials. Homeschool Essentials Computer with Internet…

  • Parenting

    JoyfulMotherhood Podcast

    Introducing my new project! The Joyful Motherhood Podcast! This is such a passion of mine! My vision is to share so much more about Motherhood and the things I’m experiencing. I’m also really excited to share birth stories as well! My own, but also many others from women all over…

  • Parenting

    Homeschool 2020 Supply Haul & Curriculum choices

    We are getting ready for our homeschool year to start and it’s always so exciting to get some fun, fresh supplies for the year. We are using The Good and the Beautiful this year for our curriculum. We generally don’t use much structured work and instead follow the kid’s interests.…

  • Parenting

    Back to School Shopping 2020

    I really believe learning happens all the time, not just during the school year. In our family, we homeschool but it’s not very structured at all. We mostly focus on our kids interests and do projects. I’ve found that my kids learn everything they need to know, little by little,…

  • Parenting

    5 Reasons to bedshare with your baby

    We love bedsharing with our babies. At first, I was terrified to do it, but after researching and experiencing it, I’ve realized it’s the most natural and safe thing to do. Here are my 5 reasons to bedshare with your baby. Disclaimer- this information reflects my own personal experiences. It’s…

  • Breastfeeding

    How to treat THRUSH naturally

    Here are my tips for treating thrush naturally, without using a prescription anti-fungal medicine. Recently my son and I dealt with thrush. What is Thrush? also called oral candidiasis. It is a condition in which the fungus Candida builds up in your baby’s mouth. Thrush is usually a sign of…

  • Breastfeeding

    How to treat Mastitis Naturally

    My tips for treating mastitis, naturally. These have helped me more than once as I’ve breastfed my children and I’ve been able to successfully treat it without antibiotics. What is Mastitis? “Mastitis is an inflammation of breast tissue that sometimes involves an infection. The inflammation results in breast pain, swelling,…

  • Parenting

    (video) How I carry my baby on my back

    I love baby wearing! Sometimes it can be really helpful to carry baby on your back while you get things done. In this video, I show you how to safely place baby on your back, wrap them in a woven carrier, and then get them down. I also show you…