Pregnancy and Birth

Early Signs of Pregnancy: The Natural Mama’s Guide

For a naturally-minded mom, a missed period isn’t just a skipped cycle; it’s an invitation to connect with your inner wisdom. This can be a time for self-reflection and trusting your body’s signals. Take the time to listen and observe.

2. Breast Changes – Nurturing and Sensitivity:

As you notice your breasts becoming tender and sensitive, it’s a beautiful reminder of the nurturing role they’ll soon play. Invest new bras and embrace the changes as a testament to the miraculous journey your body is embarking on.

3. Fatigue – Nature’s Reminder to Rest:

When you’re tired during early pregnancy, your body is gently urging you to slow down and rest. Take this as an opportunity to focus on self-care, meditation, and nourishing your body with organic, whole foods.

4. Nausea and Morning Sickness – Embracing Ginger and Herbal Remedies:

Morning sickness can be challenging, but a naturally-minded mom often turns to ginger tea or other herbal remedies to ease nausea. Embrace the power of herbs and natural remedies to soothe your body.

5. Frequent Urination – A Call for Hydration:

Increased urination is a sign that your body needs more water to support the growing life within. Opt for filtered water and herbal infusions to keep yourself well-hydrated.

6. Changes in Appetite and Food Aversions – Connecting with Cravings:

Rather than resisting food aversions, a natural mom may interpret these as her body’s way of guiding her toward healthier choices. Listen to your body’s wisdom and choose organic, whole foods.

7. Sensitivity to Smells – Nurturing Your Senses:

Sensitivity to smells is a way for your body to protect your growing baby from potential harm. Choose natural, eco-friendly cleaning and personal care products to minimize exposure to harsh chemicals.

8. Mood Swings – Embrace Emotional Awareness:

Your emotions are part of your holistic well-being. Practice mindfulness, yoga, and meditation to nurture emotional balance during this transformative time.

9. Increased Basal Body Temperature – Trusting Your Fertility Wisdom:

If you’ve been charting your basal body temperature, a sustained increase is a beautiful sign of new life. Continue to trust your natural fertility awareness methods.

10. Positive Pregnancy Test – Celebrating the Journey:

A positive pregnancy test is a celebration of life. It’s an affirmation of the natural processes within your body. Embrace this moment with gratitude and an intention to provide the healthiest, most natural start for your little one.


For the naturally-minded mom, the early signs of pregnancy are an opportunity to deepen the connection to your body and your baby. Embrace this journey with the wisdom of nature, holistic self-care, and a profound respect for the incredible process of life unfolding within. Trust your instincts, cherish your body, and welcome this transformative adventure with open arms.

Mother to 5 kids and wife to a cute Filipino guy.