Pregnancy and Birth - Women's Health

Exploring the Risks of Hormonal Birth Control and the Benefits of Natural Family Planning

In today’s fast-paced world, women have access to a wide array of birth control options to help them plan their families and control their reproductive health. One of the most common methods is hormonal birth control, which includes birth control pills, patches, injections, and more. While hormonal birth control is widely used and effective, it’s essential to be aware of its potential risks and side effects. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the dangers associated with hormonal birth control and discuss why natural family planning can be a better option for most women.

The Dangers of Hormonal Birth Control:

1. Health Risks:

   Hormonal birth control methods can pose various health risks. Some studies have suggested that they may increase the risk of blood clots, stroke, and heart disease, especially in women who smoke or have pre-existing risk factors. Additionally, there is concern about the potential impact on a woman’s long-term hormonal balance.

Read here about the increased risk of breast cancer associated with hormonal birth control.

2. Side Effects:

   Hormonal birth control often comes with side effects that can range from mild to severe. These may include weight gain, mood swings, breast tenderness, and nausea. Some women may experience these side effects to a greater extent than others.

3. Impact on Mental Health:

   There is an ongoing debate about the connection between hormonal birth control and mental health. Some women report changes in mood, including symptoms of depression and anxiety, while using hormonal methods.

4. Impact on Fertility:

   One of the significant drawbacks of hormonal birth control is that it can take some time for a woman’s fertility to return to normal after discontinuing its use. This can be a concern for those who wish to conceive in the near future.

The Benefits of Natural Family Planning:

1. No Synthetic Hormones:

   Natural family planning methods do not involve the use of synthetic hormones. This can be a healthier choice for those who want to maintain their natural hormonal balance.

2. No Side Effects:

   Unlike the risks of hormonal birth control, natural family planning methods do not come with the side effects commonly associated with synthetic hormones.

3. Improved Self-Awareness:

   Natural family planning encourages women to become more attuned to their bodies and menstrual cycles. This heightened self-awareness can empower women to better understand their fertility and reproductive health.

4. Suitable for All Lifestyles:

   Natural family planning methods, such as the Fertility Awareness Method, can be adapted to various lifestyles and can be used both for preventing and achieving pregnancy.

5. Ethical and Environmentally Friendly:

   For those who have ethical or environmental concerns about hormonal birth control, natural family planning offers a method that aligns with their values. Imagine the amount of hormones in our water system because of the wide use of birth control pills. These hormones don’t just disappear, they end up in our sewage, and in many places in the US, back in our drinking water. It’s no wonder there is so much infertility in our day because of all we are exposed to in our modern environment.

Learn more on how to be successful with Natural Family planning here.

Hormonal birth control has undoubtedly revolutionized family planning for many, offering a high degree of effectiveness and convenience. However, it’s crucial for women to be informed about the potential dangers and side effects associated with these methods. Natural family planning, which includes methods like the Fertility Awareness Method, offers a natural and non-invasive alternative that can work well for those who wish to avoid synthetic hormones and their associated risks. It empowers women to take control of their reproductive health while fostering a deeper understanding of their bodies. Ultimately, the choice between hormonal birth control and natural family planning is a personal one, and it’s important to consult with healthcare professionals to discuss the risks of hormonal birth control to determine the most suitable method based on individual circumstances and preferences.

Risks of hormonal birth control

Mother to 5 kids and wife to a cute Filipino guy.