
HomeSchool Essentials – What you REALLY need.

Today I’m sharing with you the most important things we use in our homeschooling. If you can’t buy or don’t want to buy all the curriculum and kits and programs for homeschooling, then this video is for you! Keep reading for my 8 homeschool essentials.

Homeschool Essentials

  • Computer with Internet

If you have these things already, homeschooling can be free! The resources we have available to us right now are incredible. The videos to watch, articles to read, and crafts to print could make homeschooling so much fun.

There are numerous online curriculums to choose from, as well. We like using , for example. is another good one.

  • Library

Talk about FREE! If you use your library’s internet and computer, you are all set.

Besides the books of course, many libraries have other homeschool resources. For example, our library has a telescope we were able to rent last year. We also have a 3d printer at our library. Check with your library about homeschool activities or other resources they have available.

  • Nature

Me and the kids go outside everyday. It’s the perfect way to start our days. I love that we’re all getting exercise, but I also love all the little opportunities to learn outside. For example, just this week, we studied cactus because we saw it on our hike. Nature is the perfect place to learn, whether you’re learning about the seasons of the year by actually experiencing the changes in temperature, or you’re simply reading a book outside in the grass. We love learning in nature.

  • Paper

    • We use so much paper. Our kids are constantly drawing, writing, or making little books. At the beginning of each year, we stock up on 2 boxes of paper from amazon and it’s usually enough for all our crafting and printing.
  • Art Supplies

We’re always sure to have art supplies on hand. We have a craft box with basics like construction paper, stickers, glue, markers, and tape. But we also love having paints, stamps, and googly eyes. If my kids are ever bored, I ask them if they’ve created anything yet. This usually gets them excited and ready to do some crafts.

  • Board Games

Board games can be so educational. We love that our kids are old enough to play most games with us. There are so many cute games for little kids too. My daughter is learning to count by playing HI HO CHERRIO, and my son learned his numbers by playing WAR with me. Even if it’s not purely educational, they can teach so many other skills too, like not being a sore loser.

  • Sensory play

Playdough is a must have, in our house. Just for fun, but most importantly WHILE I’m reading to them, if they have something like playdough in their hands, they can sit and listen much longer. Sensory bins are specific bins that hold a substance such as rice, beans, or sand. You can make these educational by adding small letters or animals in there for the child to find. My toddler loves them and can be entertained easily while I’m working with an older kid. These are also great while I’m reading to them.

  • Legos

Legos are educational! The imagination or following of instructions is great practice for our kids. Legos are also the perfect thing to play with while listening to me read aloud.

If you can’t tell by now, I love “read alouds”. I read big chapter books just slightly over their “grade” level. We can sit and read anywhere from 1 to 2 hours each afternoon. I’m actually hoping to work up to 3 to 4 hours as they grow. It’s so good for them. Learn more about that here.

So those are my Homeschool Essentials! Homeschooling your kids can be done with very little. It can even be done for FREE!


Thanks for reading.



Mother to 5 kids and wife to a cute Filipino guy.