Mental Health - Pregnancy and Birth

How I handle my postpartum anxiety.

Almost forgot to write tonight but my hubby is keepin me accountable!

Today I took a blogging class. Hopefully I can get real good at this bloggin thing. I always have so many ideas but when it comes to actually DOING it, it’s not my forte’.

I had a lot of anxiety today that I mentioned I was also experiencing yesterday. I went for a run last night and took my bath, but still I woke up with some anxiety and anger. The cool thing though is that even though feeling like this is awful, it is not debilitating like it used to be. I can still think clearly enough to get important things done and plan how to make myself feel better.

It’s not hopeless.

This is because of a big change I did in my life recently, that I will definitely write about in detail on the blog,(as soon as I figure out how to say it well) but for now I’ll just let you know what I’m telling people in real life when it comes up. I don’t know if it’s helping anyone yet but I sure do get a lot of opportunities to talk to people about it. People at church notice I look good physically and ask. Friends send me messages on facebook and ask what I’ve been doing. So here’s a run down of the basics.

I found this book called The Ultramind Solution and I got a lot of these ideas from that.

The basics are:

  •  no sugar, dairy, or gluten for 6 weeks straight. 
  • extra supplements including magnesium, b vitamins, and omega 3’s and D.

  • Then relaxation. 30 min per day. I started taking relaxation baths most evenings (2 c epsom salt, 1 c baking soda, 10 drops lavendar essential oil) and I have been getting 1 hr massages every week from my sister.

There’s more to it like eating organic and avoiding environmental toxins like plastic water bottles, for example.

So that’s the basics if you want to get started right now.


Even changing diet alone will make a huge difference.


I promise!

I knew I needed to make a change today because I’d been feeling so good and haven’t experienced this anxiety for a while. Today I decided to stop sugar again. Even though I wasn’t eating a lot of it or very often, I just feel like it’s bothering me and I feel better without any sugar in my diet. So I’m on that again, maybe for a few weeks, we’ll see. The other thing I did was text my sister and ask her to give me a massage this evening. She did and that helps a lot. In fact, I think her massages have made the BIGGEST impact on my mental health than anything else I’ve done. I’d love to write about that more one day.

Thanks for reading today’s post. #5 of my 30 post challenge.


Mother to 5 kids and wife to a cute Filipino guy.