Breastfeeding - Parenting - Pregnancy and Birth

How I weaned my 4 year old from breastfeeding.

(written in 2016 and transferred here 2019)

We made it! 4 years of breastfeeding.

 Wow! That was exhausting and beautiful.

A few months ago I posted about our breastfeeding journey. In that post I mentioned my plans to wean my son when he turned 4. It went so well and I want to share how I did it.

A few months before my son turned 4, I started talking to him about weaning. I explained to him that it was almost time for him to stop having milk. He was a little sad about it but I reassured him that he could still have milk until he was 4. We really talked up his birthday and planned a big party for it. A few times a week he would ask for milk in the mornings when he woke up. I would say “of course” and we would cuddle on the couch for just a few minutes. Once or twice a week while he nursed I would just talk to him about how much I have loved nursing him and told him what it was like when he was a baby.

Thinking back on our journey was really good for me too.

I never wanted to wean abruptly and I didn’t want it to be a sad experience for either of us. I wanted to be sure we were both ready because you never get this time back. In the end, it was perfect timing and I’m really glad about how we did it. The night before his birthday I nursed him in the evening. I talked to him again about how great nursing him had been, and then the morning of his birthday I asked him if he wanted milk one last time.

He nursed for just a few seconds and then ran off to play.

A few days later he asked for milk and then just laughed before I could answer him. Every other day he still tells me he loves milk and when he’s a baby again he’ll have milk…. But he’s never upset and I’m really happy with the whole experience. I’m glad I nursed him for so long. I’m glad I nursed both my kids at the same time. It gave them a really special bond. I’m so glad I pushed through those first few weeks of torture when I didn’t know what I was doing… I made it through cracked bleeding nipples, mastitis twice, clogged milk ducts, endless nights of being the only one to comfort a sick boy, nursing through pregnancy which was SO painful… and calming huge tantrums and soothing a sick baby, and forming a sacred bond with my son.

I made it.

I remember when I was pregnant with him, someone asked me if and how long I plan to breastfeed. I said, “yes, for 1 year.”   hahahahahaha


Tell me your story in the comments below!


Mother to 5 kids and wife to a cute Filipino guy.

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