
How to treat Mastitis Naturally

My tips for treating mastitis, naturally. These have helped me more than once as I’ve breastfed my children and I’ve been able to successfully treat it without antibiotics.

What is Mastitis?

“Mastitis is an inflammation of breast tissue that sometimes involves an infection. The inflammation results in breast pain, swelling, warmth and redness. You might also have fever and chills.”

Why not just use antibiotics to treat it?

In short, Antibiotics kill bacteria. Good and bad bacteria. So taking a round of antibiotics can have unanticipated consequences that can last a lifetime. Such as stomach problems, allergies, eczema, etc., brought on by the imbalance of bacteria in the gut.


Whenever possible, I like to try every natural treatment FIRST before using antibiotics and saving that for certain situations that truly warrant their use.


So after experiencing mastitis myself, this week, I thought I’d share what I know while it’s fresh on my mind so maybe it can help you if you’re struggling right now and looking for a way to treat it naturally. Here is a video of my experience where I talk about how I think it started and what I did to treat it. 


Tips for treating Mastitis


  1. Strengthen your immune system

Your immune system needs to be strong to fight off infection. There are many ways to support your bodies immune system but here is what I did this time:

  • Vit C, D, and Zinc
  • Healthy food and little or no sugar
  • Drink water!
  • essential oils such as Immupower or Thieves from Young Living
  • Colloidal Silver
2. Massage

circular motions over the clogged duct, working down towards the nipple

3. Warm Compress

Hot baths, heating pad, or towel dipped in hot Dandelion Tea.


4. Lavender and Thieves oil (diluted in olive oil) applied directly to the breast.


5. Nurse Nurse Nurse the baby (and/or pump if needed)

The absolute best treatment for plugged ducts is to get naked in bed with naked baby to encourage lots of breastfeeding.

Be sure to point baby’s chin towards the clogged duct. Making sure it’s aligned with the clog will more efficiently drain the milk in that area.

6. Raw Garlic (Nature’s antibiotic)

chop into pill size pieces and take with orange juice.

7. If you’re at the point that the pain is unbearable. Ibuprofen will help with the inflammation and body aches.

Even my naturally-minded self indulged in lots of pain medicine for this super rough mastitis experience.

8. Cabbage leaves (use with Caution, may cause decreased supply)

apply cold leaves directly to ONLY plugged duct.


Remember to wear loose clothing that won’t restrict the breasts whatsoever to allow milk to pass freely.


I hope this was helpful! If you like info like this, please hang around for more posts from me by submitting your email down below.

another great resource:,a%20cup%20of%20boiling%20water.



Mother to 5 kids and wife to a cute Filipino guy.