My Faith


In the last general conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, our prophet, President Nelson invited us to attend the temple more regularly. He promised us if we did, we would receive the miracles in our lives that we need. That absolutely happened for me and I have just been ready to shout it from the rooftops!

Image result for st george temple

I made a goal to attend the temple weekly until our baby is born, which by the way is really soon. Sometimes I missed a week but I usually made up for it by going twice a week a few times. I prayed so much for the miracles we needed and boy did they so obviously come. I actually feel like we’ve been receiving miracles for MONTHS now. Almost too many. We’re starting to get ourselves ready for a huge trial cause we just can’t believe we deserve this many miracles! But I know they are miracles from the Lord and I HAVE to share them with you all. So I’ll back up a few months and talk about all the good that has happened for our family. Of course there were difficult times throughout all of this, but today I just want to be completely positive and focus on all the good.

Oh, and I’m not tryin to brag. I DO know that I’ve been blessed because of my service and commitments but I also understand that the Lord has way more work ahead for us to do now that we’ve been blessed with these things.

#1- I kinda have fertility issues. Endometriosis. I don’t know how much it affects my fertility actually, but it seems to take us a while to get pregnant each time. After Esme (our second) I was really worried I wouldn’t get pregnant again. After years of waiting for my cycles to even come back, and anxiously waiting to see if endometriosis started growing again during that time, we started to accept we’d only have 2 kids. But of course we really wanted another and our kids were always asking if we could have a new baby. So for months we prayed for a new baby. We involved our kids in praying for a baby and it was so cute to hear them every night, asking. Finally in July I took a pregnancy test just to be sure I could take some cold medicine and it was positive. I made sure to point out to my kids right away that our prayers were answered. Some might say it was just nature and science. the sperm hit the egg, but nah, it was an obvious miracle to our family.

#2- John’s new job.
I had severe morning sickness for several months. Lots of puking, all the time. Now I know I said I’d only be positive in this post, but I have to point this out because our next miracle came just as the morning sickness started. John got a new job with awesome hours. Mon-Fri 8-5. We have never had that. My last 2 pregnancies, I dealt with morning sickness alone while he worked and went to school practically all day, everyday. This time I had him home every night to cook dinner and get kids to bed. It was incredible. (btw, my mom and dad helped a ton too! This is the first time I’ve been around family while pregnant and it is NICE, especially with help for these older kiddos.)

#3- We sold our tiny house. After almost a year of trying and going back and forth whether we even wanted to, it sold to the perfect people for the perfect price. (way lower than what we first listed it at) but the perfect amount to help provide miracle #4.

#4- We bought a house! I’m only 26 and I’m a homeowner. Well, my husband is the homeowner and that is possible because of how awesome he is, and miracle #5.


#5- John got a promotion and a raise! Housing is so expensive in southern Utah and we never thought we’d be able to afford a house but at exactly the right time, John was promoted at his awesome job building tiny houses. He gets to be creative and do something he’s actually excited about, AND he makes enough money to afford a huge house payment. Hooray! I’m so proud of him!

#6- The house is in the same neighborhood as my parents and we get to stay in our church ward. This is an obvious miracle to us. It didn’t seem possible. There weren’t any houses for sale in our ward and if any came up, they were sold within a day. Our realtor managed to find someone before he even listed it to make this happen. The reason I care so much about staying in our ward is that I’m the 1st counselor in the Primary Presidency. Basically we’re in charge of the kids program in our church and it’s super awesome. I love it so much and know it’s where I’m suppose to serve. When I was called into the presidency, our bishop said “The Lord has a way of showing us where he wants us”. At this time, I didn’t see how it would be possible to stay in the ward, so I held on to that and kept hoping. All along, the Lord knew this would work out and we’d get this house.

How do I know these are miracles and not just coincidences? Faith, beliefs, feelings. I feel that they are. I feel more connected to my Heavenly Father than ever before. I was promised something and it happened for me.
One example of how obvious it is to us, is that we started praying in August or so that we would have a house before our baby comes. We just prayed every night, with our kids too, that we’d have a house before April. We didn’t think it would happen but we chose to have faith. It didn’t make logical sense. We couldn’t afford a house. We couldn’t sell our tiny house for a down payment. there was nothing for sale in our neighborhood. but we had hope and asked for it. you can’t tell me its not a miracle that 1 MONTH before my due date, we are living in a house. (and we would have been happy to rent. but the Lord wants us here and for a long time.)

We are relieved and excited! It’s nice to have a home to give birth in, when we’ve been planning a homebirth but didn’t have our own home… The Lord loves us and takes care of us. He knows our needs and is just waiting to hand out miracles and blessings if we do what we’re asked.


Mother to 5 kids and wife to a cute Filipino guy.