
Naturally-Minded Mom’s Minimalist Must-Haves for a New Baby

If you’re a naturally-minded mom who values holistic health and well-being for your little one, there are minimalist essentials that align with your parenting philosophy. Here’s a list of 11 must-haves to create a natural and healthy environment for your new baby.

1. Organic Baby Clothing: Prioritize organic cotton and high quality baby clothes. I love having soft, zip up sleepers more than any other baby clothing item. It’s important to have enough to last a few days before needing to do laundry, but don’t overdue it on the baby clothes. They grow so fast, and can only wear these clothes for a short time.

Must-Haves for a new baby

2. Cloth Diapers: Consider choosing cloth diapers for your baby to reduce chemical exposure and promote natural comfort. For me, using cloth diapers was more about saving money so these are my favorite brand and style. Econobum covers and flats or prefolds.

Must-Haves for a new baby

3. Babywearing Carrier: A baby carrier made from natural, breathable materials ensures a close bond while adhering to your holistic parenting approach. mY FAVORITE IS A SOLLYBABY WRAP FOR THOSE NEWBORN DAYS.

Must-Haves for a new baby

4. Co-Sleeper: Find a co-sleeper or crib made from natural materials, free from chemicals and toxins for a healthy sleep environment. Or consider bed sharing and you can check out my post about besharing safely.

Must-Haves for a new baby

5. Breastfeeding Supplies: You don’t need much for breastfeeding and most sites will promote buying a breastpump. I don’t find it necessary to pump while exclusively breastfeeding and this misleads many expecting moms. If you only plan to feed baby on demand by exclusively breastfeeding, I suggest having nipple cream, and absorbent breast pads on hand. For occasional pumping, a manual pump like this works great. What I find most important to prepare for breastfeeding is taking a class or studying HOW to breastfeed successfully. You’ll likely have everything you need already.

Must-Haves for a new baby

6. Baby led weaning Tools: Baby led weaning is considered a more natural progression for starting solid foods. I’ve enjoyed doing this with each of my kids. This can be messy so I suggest a nice high chair, bibs, and these fun spoons are a great addition. To be really minimal though, you don’t need anything! You can simply feed baby from your own plate of food

Must-Haves for a new baby

7. Natural Diapering Essentials: Opt for chemical free wipes and diaper creams for a gentle and healthy diapering routine.

Must-Haves for a new baby

8. Gentle Baby Toiletries: Select natural and organic baby soaps, shampoos, and lotions that are free from harsh chemicals for your baby’s well-being. You can simply use baby castile soap diluted with water, or a number of safe baby soaps. Babies rarely require lotion and this can damage their ability to naturally produce oils for their skin, but if baby has dry skin, try breastmilk first. Simply apply a few drops and rub in. It has wonderful healing elements in it that will soothe baby’s skin.

Must-Haves for a new baby

9. Natural-Fiber Baby Blankets: Choose blankets made from organic cotton, bamboo, or wool for a natural, breathable sleep environment.

Must-Haves for a new baby

10. Minimalist Wooden Toys: Embrace natural wooden toys, free from harmful paints or chemicals, to promote open-ended play and cognitive development.


Must-Haves for a new baby


11. Holistic Healthcare Supplies: Keep natural remedies like homeopathic teething tablets and herbal baby care products for gentle and holistic healthcare.

Must-Haves for a new baby

As a naturally-minded mom, your focus on natural health and well-being is central to your parenting journey. By incorporating these minimalist essentials into your baby’s life, you’ll create a nurturing environment that promotes natural living, holistic health, and overall well-being.

Mother to 5 kids and wife to a cute Filipino guy.