
Treat your child’s ear infection naturally

We do all we can to help our kids avoid ear infections, but they still might happen. Luckily, MOST ear infections are simply viral, happening after or with a common virus such as a cold.

It’s normal to take your child to the pediatrician and be prescribed an antibiotic. (although, many pediatricians are prescribing antibiotics less! yay.) But there is a NATURAL way to approach treating your child’s ear infection.

so why not just use an antibiotic?

Like I mentioned, because most ear infections are actually viral and not bacterial, the only thing the antibiotic will do is destroy gut health. Antibiotics disrupt the GOOD bacteria is our gut causing many health issues. I like to avoid them completely for my kids unless absolutely necessary.


When my first baby was about 6 months old he got his first ear infection. I actually thought that was *no fair* since I was breastfeeding and I knew ear infections are way less likely in breastfed babies, but we took him to the Dr and got a prescription for antibiotics. I DIDN’T FILL IT. Instead, I trusted my gut that I could handle this naturally.

Now after doing that research and over the years of raising 2 more kids and dealing with a few more ear infections, I am very confident in using these natural methods to treat even severe ear infections.


Here are my #1 tips for treating your child’s ear infections naturally.


First. Continue to focus on:


  • good nutrition
  • rest
  • hydration
  • and vitamins such as A, D, C, and ZINC



apply a warm compress if tolerated to ease the pain.

*You can add lavender essential oil to a bowl of warm water and dip a towel in it. Then press to the affected ear and change the towel before it completely cools.

Finally. Apply oils!


   -gently massage this oil several times a day in and around the ear.




   -apply to a cotton ball and tape against the ear


A few other GREAT essential oils to use are:


  • tea tree or melaleuca (antiviral)


  • lavendar for inflammation and pain


Find high quality essential oils here YoungLiving Oils


Repeat with the oils for several days. I like to continue even after the pain has stopped to make sure we’ve taken care of it.


Recently my toddler had a severe ear infection that actually ruptured his ear drum. It was pretty gross (lots of puss and grossness) but after seeing our holistic doctor, he assured me it just released and he wasn’t in pain anymore, and to continue with the oils I was using.


I absolutely love using natural medicine for common ailments like ear infections. Its so great to avoid potential side effects from conventional treatments. I hope you are able to try these things to treat your child’s ear infections. Let me know if you have any questions by leaving a comment down below.


Thanks for reading!

Mother to 5 kids and wife to a cute Filipino guy.