Pregnancy and Birth

Unassisted Home Birth Story

March 28th 2019 , 4 days before my due date, I started scrubbing my bathtub. Something felt different but I didn’t know for sure if anything was happening as both my other babies came a week after their due dates.

I went to bed early just in case.

By 3 am, I couldn’t sleep through contractions. I got up without waking John and just sat in the kitchen to make sure they weren’t stopping. Sure enough, they were consistently about 10 minutes apart. After a while I decided to shower and put on my birthin clothes. A robe and bra.

Around 6, John woke up and hung out with me. 

Why I chose an unassisted birth: My Pregnancy Story.

Contractions were noticeable but not intense. We made breakfast and eventually told the kids it was probably the day their brother would come. Around 8 I felt up for a walk to try and speed things up. It didn’t work and actually slowed things down, which surprised me. About 10 am everything stopped and I felt so tired. I didn’t want to sleep but I made myself take a nap.

2 hours later contractions started again but were so mild. I reluctantly told my friend, dad, and mom they could come over but inside I was nervous and wondering if it’d still be a while. Luckily when my mom showed up, my contractions intensified and became much closer together. I didn’t want to time them or think about where I was at too much. I just wanted to experience it all. 

I labored in the living room, leaning on the couch while my friend rubbed my back, and sitting on my couch for a bit squeezing the hand of whoever was nearby. 


After a while, I decided I wanted to go into the bathroom and possibly give birth in the bathtub. Things got intense fast at this point and I felt ready to push. Time went on though and I just wasn’t comfortable in my little bathtub. I decided to get out and stand, sway, kneel on the bed and


At this point I started to really struggle. I felt intense anger and fear. I know I wasn’t afraid of anything bad happening, or doing this alone. It was just an unexplainable feeling of fear washing over me for a few hours. I suppose that’s just part of transition but at the time, that seemed unbearable and unfair. I kept asking John to pray for me that I won’t be scared, and when I really started to doubt things

I prayed outloud over and over to just have strength.


Afterwards I found out everyone in the room was praying as well. 

The hardest part of this labor was that I was so tired! My body felt so weak, especially my legs. I really didn’t think I’d have the strength to push. So during the last few hours, I really started to wonder if something was wrong. 

In my mind I just felt like baby was in a bad position and that was why he wasn’t coming down more when I already felt like pushing. So I got all the courage I could and asked John to turn on some upbeat music. I got up and danced and

SAAAANG my heart out.

you can watch the full video here.

It REALLY helped. I would sing and sing and then moan and push while I sang. It was so intense but it really distracted from the fear I was feeling.
I have heard of women singing during labor but I didn’t expect to be doing that. It’s fun to look back on though. You can watch the video on youtube. It allowed me to be loud but in a productive way. (instead of just screaming)

Pushing was difficult with this baby. I’m not sure why. Funny thing is, he was just a tiny little thing. only 6 lb 8 oz. but I just KNEW he was gonna come out my butt. Lol. I for sure thought there was no way he’d make it out the right place. Just when I thought for sure I’d die, out he came. The look on my face right as he came out was just, “oh yeah, that IS how it works.”

Little John Timoteo Jensen Moreno (Teo for short)

was born at 8:58 pm on March 29th 2019

Labor was basically 18 hrs long. Not my longest and not my shortest. haha.

I am so grateful everything went smoothly. Afterwards everything was very normal with the placenta and bleeding. I am so glad I did my birth this way. Not every birth should be unassisted and I don’t encourage anyone to do it unless you feel very prepared and at ease about it. For this birth, DIY birth, free birth, unassisted birth was right for us.

Thank you for reading my birth story! Please sign up for emails when I make a new post and stay tuned for more birth related videos.


Mother to 5 kids and wife to a cute Filipino guy.