
We’re hoping to Adopt!

Have you heard about our next adventure?

Our family is Hoping to Adopt and we’ve started the adoption process! We’ve wanted to adopt a child for many years but the timing was never right. We feel now that its the right time to start the process. It could take 2 years on average so it will be great timing. 

Unexpectedly, while looking into starting the process, we found a little boy in the Philippines we would love to adopt! For now we are working towards becoming matched with him, but if he can be adopted by someone else before we’re ready, we will just be so happy for him. 


So for now we are starting the process, which includes the initial application that we’ve already done, raising money for the fees (they’re huge but we’re having faith with that one), and starting our homestudy which is a 3 or 4 month process. 


There are a lot of variables with this process but we feel confident it will one day, eventually lead to adding another member to our family. We’ve experienced enough miracles in our life to know that if we follow the spiritual promptings we receive, the Lord will provide a way for us to accomplish it. 

If you would like to support us and bring our future child out of an orphange and into our arms, please donate.

Mother to 5 kids and wife to a cute Filipino guy.